Hotels in Samokov, Bulgaria
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The door of Rila- that's how people coming to visit Samokov and to touch the vividness of nature, so generously given to its inhabitant, call it. A valley crossed by rivers, exposed to sunshine with its imposing peaks, foamy mountain creeks and invigorating freshness in the air. Here time passes so unnoticeably, life is so easy that people keep their soul young and vivid, and when they reach the sunset of their days they are happy to belong to this place.

The town of Samokov is located 60 km south from Sofia in the Samokov valley crossed by Iskar river and its feeders with altitude 900m.The valley is surrounded by several mountains - Rila, Plana, Shipochanski Hill, Vitosha and Verila. The valley was inhabited from prehistoric times. Remains of that period were found near Belchin banya, Gorni pasarel and several other places.

Along the river valley of Palakarya were found significant traces of the presence of the Thrace, the archeological finds near Popovyane testify for the high material and spiritual culture of its inhabitants in the late antiquity (III-IV c).


Голямата чешма /Чешмата с обецата/ - история, настояще и бъдеще! Тук в Самоков се разказва легендата за бея, който не склонил хубавата самоковка да влезе в харема му и възхитен от нея, и в нейна чест издигнал Голямата чешма, от която и днес ние пием живителната сила на отминалите векове. Има и легенда, че желязната обеца, с която е украсена една от страните на чешмата, принадлежи на прочутия Крали Марко, който е пил вода от чешмата.  И още и още...история, настояще и бъдеще! Горди сме, че сме част от всичко това! И внимавайте, който пийне от водата с несравним вкус, със сигурност ще се върне отново в града и то завинаги.
Орлови скали
BG  /  RU  / EN
Самоков Боровец